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A Coincidence, A God Wink, or Just Plain Spooky

To quote one my favorite poets, Bobby Burns, "The best laid plans o'

'mice and men gang aft a-gley" (translation: oft go awry). I had promised myself I would start posting more, and then Hurricane Helene hit right here in western North Carolina. I didn't fare nearly as badly as a lot of people. Some large downed trees that I will have to have removed, but minimal damage to my house. No power or water for almost two weeks, though, so I decided to evacuate once the roads were cleared so I could get out of my development. I had gotten a late start and had to backtrack a couple of times due to closed roads. Since it was getting dark and I wasn't familar with the roads or their condition, I decided it would be wise to stop for the night. Three towns and six hotels later, I found there were no rooms to be had. They were already filled with evacuees. At the last one I asked the front desk clerk if I could sleep in my car in their parking lot, which I felt would be safer than a roadside rest area. She agreed and took my phone number in the unlikely case there would be a cancellation. I hadn't been able to fall asleep when the phone rang about 11 o'clock. Someone had cancelled. When I checked in and got my room number, I was stunned. It was the month and date of my birth! What would you call it?

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